About the Reiche PTO

The Reiche Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) collaborates with teachers to provide our students with fulfilling academic, cultural, and physical enrichment activities.   The PTO also promotes parent volunteerism to build strong relationships between parents and the school and to foster a welcoming and engaging community. 

Reiche PTO 2024-25 Board Members:
Joshua Reiman, President
Sarah Madden, Vice President

Eliot Angle, Treasurer
Addy Smith-Reiman, Secretary

Our fundraising efforts help fund enrichment activities during the school day (yoga, swimming, and dance), assemblies, curriculum enhancement, and investment in technology. Additionally, the PTO collaborates with teachers to help supplement the school curriculum. Hosting events, and funding field trips and assemblies are some of the many ways the PTO adds to the student experience.

The PTO also supports the community by communicating information on news and events via PTO meetings and emails and hosting family events throughout the year.

All parents are encouraged to become a part of the PTO and help build our school community by getting involved in those areas where they have a personal interest.  Areas include - Fundraising, Events, Enrichment, Green Team & Grounds, Volunteerism in the classroom, and Coaching/Moderating Extracurricular events like Odyssey of the Mind.

Please feel free to contact us at: reichepto@gmail.com

Please check our calendar for our meeting dates. We meet on Wednesdays, with pizza and childcare. We would love to work with you and your family!

How can you help, you ask?

The PTO needs many volunteers to do all of our work! Here are brief descriptions of our teams that need help this year. We will have sign-up sheets at the Open Houses.

After-School Enrichment Classes Team - Organize and run after-school enrichment classes. Tasks include: Finding fun class ideas and teachers, making schedules, balancing class enrollments, and communicating with families. Need 2-3 volunteers minimum to run classes (three sessions, 6 weeks each, the first session starts in early November).

Fundraising Team - Help us meet our fundraising goals! 2024-25 fundraising plans include Flatbread Night with Raffle; Bake Sale; Community Drive for direct donations, Election Day Bake Sale, plus more??!!. Need 2-10 volunteers. Choose one fundraiser to organize with a friend or help with every fundraiser. 

Playground Committee - Join a group of parents passionate about the playground's future! NEW Committee this year will work with various stakeholders involved with the playground re-design. Need unlimited volunteers!

Community Building/Title 1 Advisory Team - This team has a lot of fun events to assist with! The Title 1 Advisory Committee is a group of teachers, staff, and parents that meet once every two weeks and work to connect families and with the school. Events include the Multicultural Potluck and Winterfest. We need 2-3 volunteers for the team. 

Green Team - The Reiche Green Team, started in 2011 by a group of students, teachers, and community members, volunteers their time with the planning and maintenance of the school's compost bins, and vegetable, and perennial gardens. Many volunteers are welcome! 

First Friday Treats - Bakers needed! Bake goodies for the teachers and staff on the first Friday of every month. Bake one month or every month. The more, the merrier. Sign up here

Teacher Appreciation Week - Help organize plans to shower the teachers and staff with food, treats, and appreciation during Teacher Appreciation Week in early May. Need 2 people to lead.